Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Adorable Blog Award

Exciting news, people who read/look at this blog! I have been awarded the Adorable Blog Award by Caitlin and Laura the ladies behind the sweet webcomic Girrl!!! Thank you Caitlin! Thank you Laura! It is an honor.

Here are 10 facts about me:

1. I once had a dream that I was Doctor Who's companion and we were traveling to the starship Enterprise

2. I had a recurring nightmare before the seventh Harry Potter book came out that I had bought the book, but it was locked shut and no matter how hard I tired I could not get it open.

3. I only have freckles on half my face.

4. I have collections of lions, pigs, small decorative boxes, and hedgehogs.

5. Last November I participated in National Novel Writing Month for the first time. I succeeded in writing 50,000 words by the deadline, but my novel still does not have an ending.

6. One of my favorite things to do while making art is to sing along, loudly, to Disney songs. Seriously, out of the 25 most played songs on my i tunes 18 of them are Disney songs.

7. I have a notebook recording and rating every book I've read since January 1st 2003.

8. In elementary school I liked to cut up my(previously broken) Barbie dolls and reconstruct them in new and unusual ways. I would then have and art showing of my creations for my family.

9. The first time I used watercolor, my favorite art supplie to use today, I didn't like it at all.

10. My most hated art supply is, and always will be, conte crayon. First your like, "Oh look, it's like charcoal but a fun color" and then you start drawing and conte's like, "You want a range of tones? Well too bad! I'm only gonna give you three" so you think, "Fine then, I'll just erase you!" but conte's all like, "What? Erase? You fool! Once you put down conte it is permanently affixed to your paper FOREVER! Bwa Ha Haha Ha!

Here are three other blogs also deserving of this prestigious award:

If you choose to accept this award, rules are as follows:

-Thank the person who gave you this award, and link back to them in your post.
-Tell us 10 things about yourself.
-Nominate your bloggers.
-Contact these bloggers, and let them know they received this award.

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